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How To Grow Your eCommerce Email List

April 21, 2020
2 Min Read
How To Grow Your eCommerce Email List

eCommerce email marketing remains one of the most important channels to generate traffic, conversions and revenue for many businesses. If you want to master email marketing, you must grow and maintain a healthy email list.

How To Grow Your Email List

It's not uncommon for consumers to opt out of emails, causing email lists to diminish. If you're having trouble gaining leads or need help motivating users to sign up, these 5 tips on how to grow your email list will help you:

  • Try email pop-ups
  • Use gated content
  • Provide an incentive with a customer loyalty program
  • Engage on social media
  • Collect emails in person

1. Try Email Pop-Ups

Forget about those annoying pop-up ads we all loathed in the early 2000s. When implemented correctly, email pop-ups can help drive user action without being annoying.

Try using email pop-ups to highlight promotions, news, contests or anything else you have going on. Just make sure they are mobile-friendly and non-intrusive to stay on Google’s good side. We also recommend keeping pop-up form fields to a minimum.

We’ve been using tools like JustUno and HubSpot Pop-Up Forms to create pop-ups for ourselves and our clients. These tools make it easy to connect with your CRM, run A/B tests and adjust designs in no time.

2. Use Gated Content

Gated content requires form submissions to access. Although we don’t recommend gating all of your content, choosing pieces that appeal to lower-funnel audiences can be a fantastic way to collect contact information.

Plus, these audiences are typically more motivated to learn more, and as a result, are more willing to provide contact information.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with content formats. If you’re unsure where to start, we recommend exploring eBooks, white papers, videos and infographics.

When it comes to forms, keep things short and sweet. For a higher-level download, asking for a name and email address should suffice.

3. Provide An Incentive With A Customer Loyalty Program

Incentivizing email sign ups is a tried-and-true way to increase engagement. Loyalty programs take that concept one step further by thinking beyond the email to create a larger customer experience.

We’ve helped several clients set up loyalty programs and have learned that offering customers something of value and giving them personalized attention improves the overall user experience.

As a result, customer loyalty programs often pack enough value that customers are willing to provide contact information to participate.

4. Engage On Social Media

It might seem like a no-brainer, but don’t forget to ask your social media followers to subscribe to your email list. Social audiences are already interested in your business, so they are often likely to take the extra step to subscribe.

Aside from directly asking for your followers to sign up, try promoting the exclusive email benefits like updates, promotions, special offers, etc. Gating these promotions can be a great way to motivate users to take the extra step.

5. Collect Emails In Person

Don’t forget to network. Whether it be at a trade show, seminar or any other business event, these are all great places to attract new people to your email list.

Upload customers into your CRM and continue to market to them through email. We know it’s manual labor, but we promise it’s worth it.


When learning how to grow an email list, we hope you consider these tips. Email marketing is always going to be an integral component in gaining (and retaining) customers.

If you have additional questions or would like assistance from an eCommerce email marketing agency, contact us through the form below. Our team will be happy to help!

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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