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Text Message Marketing: The Best eCommerce Platforms and Services

October 11, 2024
4 Min Read
Text Message Marketing: The Best eCommerce Platforms and Services

Businesses want a reliable means to reach customers and keep them engaged. Text message marketing offers marketers the channel they need to conveniently reach people on the device that everyone seems to have in their pocket.

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Understanding Text Message Marketing

Both MMS and SMS text message marketing allow you to contact customers almost instantly. Alerts let them know within seconds that they have received messages.

What is Text Message Marketing?

SMS, or short messaging service, and MMS, or multimedia messaging service, enable you to reach customers through their cellphones. As opposed to other marketing platforms, where you have to wait for customers to engage with a particular channelsuch as Google, social media, or emailMMS and SMS text message marketing let you reach your customers immediately.

The Importance of Text Message Marketing in eCommerce

Text message marketing boasts an open rate of up to 98 percent with a 45 percent response rate, making it a powerful way to engage users. Customers appreciate the personalized nature of text messaging, especially when those messages have value. For example, customers like receiving updates on transactions or exclusive, customized deals. Text messaging successfully encourages people to order items they might not have otherwise bought. It also results in faster purchases.

Compliance and Regulation

Businesses that use text message marketing platforms have to be careful to stay within the letter of the law. Laws like TCPA and GDPR protect customer data and prevent businesses from invading messaging inboxes without permission. 

Your company must obtain explicit consent before sending messages to people. To avoid violating these laws, it also needs to provide opt-out options for people who no longer want to receive texts. 

Benefits of a Text Message Marketing Solution for eCommerce

Companies experience a variety of benefits when they employ text message marketing.

Immediate Reading and High Engagement

Direct communication through text messaging reaches customers faster and encourages quicker responses. 

Personalization and Customer Experience 

Tailoring messages for readers based on recent purchases, birthdays, and personal interests will help build customer relationships. 

Increased Conversion Rates

Text messages enable you to get the word out about timely promotions, driving additional sales. 


With inspiring open and engagement rates, brands see a higher ROI compared to other marketing channels.

Integration With Other Marketing Strategies

SMS marketing works well with other common marketing strategies, including email and social media. Messages can complement content from other channels and build on engagement.

Key Features to Look for in Text Message Marketing Platforms

To see what makes text messaging such an appealing way to reach customers, let’s consider a few key features.

User-Friendly Interface

SMS and MMS messaging platforms offer easy management, so you can establish your strategy as you see fit.

Automation and Workflow Capabilities

A text message marketing solution makes it easy for businesses to use automated processes, such as drip campaigns and triggered messages. You can also preschedule messages so that you reach people at optimal times. 

Advanced Segmentation

Text messaging also allows for advanced audience segmentation based on behavior.

Personalization Options

Customer data can help businesses tailor messages for better engagement.

Compliance Tools

Quality texting platforms include built-in features to manage consent and ensure adherence to regulations.

Analytics and Reporting

Businesses can track metrics like delivery rates, click-through rates, and conversions from texting.

Integration with eCommerce Platforms

Texting platforms integrate with eCommerce platforms like Shopify and Magento (Adobe Commerce) for improved campaigns.

Top Text Message Marketing Platforms for eCommerce

As businesses consider implementing text message marketing, they will see some platforms rise above the rest.


Klaviyo offers an all-in-one marketing platform that specializes in bringing email and SMS eCommerce together. It features robust automation and personalization along with advanced segmentation based on customer behavior. Deep integration with eCommerce platforms helps create more unified marketing campaigns.

Merchants benefit from unified customer profiles that combine email and SMS data. This information comes in easy-to-use templates and workflows alongside comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Other Notable Platforms

Businesses will also notice a few other platforms, but they tend to fall short of Klaviyo’s capabilities:

A Text Message Marketing Service for eCommerce

To help businesses run text messaging campaigns, some marketing agencies offer text message marketing services for eCommerce companies.

The Role of Professional Services

A professional text message marketing service brings expertise in strategic development and execution. Long-term experience makes their assistance with compliance and best practices valuable as well.

Groove Commerce’s SMS Marketing Services

Groove Commerce combines expertise in Klaviyo SMS with in-depth platform knowledge. As a certified Klaviyo SMS agency, we offer customized strategy development and have ample experience in tailoring campaigns to align with business goals. 

Through integration with email marketing, we create a cohesive omnichannel experience. We also offer online support and optimization, regularly analyzing client campaigns and adjusting techniques for continuous improvement. 

Why Choose Groove Commerce

Groove Commerce offers clients a proven track record with a focus on delivering measurable results. For example, with Cutter & Buck, we implemented a strategy that boosted revenue by 77 percent with improved text and email promotion. 

Best Practices for Implementing Text Message Marketing

Those interested in using text message marketing will want to implement a few best practices.

Building a Compliant Subscriber List

Begin by building a compliant subscriber list through a voluntary double opt-in system. Businesses should also offer unsubscribe options. Transparency about what customers will receive is vital.

Crafting Effective Messages

Keep text messages concise and actionable with clear calls to action, so customers don’t get overwhelmed. 

Timing and Frequency

Use analytics to determine the optimal send times. Avoid sending too many messages; this may cause message fatigue.

Text message marketing timing

Personalization and Segmentation

Use personalization and segmentation to increase relevance and thereby build engagement. 

Monitoring Performance

Regularly monitor analytics to refine your strategy and make any necessary changes. 

Integrating Text Message Marketing with Other Channels

A text message marketing solution works well with other marketing channels, such as social media and email.

SMS and Email Marketing Synergy

Coordinate your SMS campaigns with email marketing for maximum impact.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media can promote SMS messaging sign-ups to boost engagement.

Creating an Omnichannel Experience

Ensure that all campaigns use consistent messaging so that customers have predictable experiences across all touchpoints.

Overcoming Challenges in Text Message Marketing

Businesses often encounter a few challenges in text message marketing.

Compliance Management

To ensure compliance, stay updated on legal requirements with a service provider.

Customer Privacy Concerns

Use thoughtful, respectful communication to build relationships and trust with customers.

Measuring ROI

To measure progress and demonstrate value, set clear KPIs at the beginning of the process.

Build Your Business with Effective Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing offers businesses a highly effective means of staying connected with their customers. However, to use this technology optimally, you’ll need to choose the right text message marketing platforms and services. This will help you optimize your messages and deliverability to see the highest possible ROI. 

If you haven’t embraced SMS as a promotional channel yet, consider what this innovative strategy can do for you. Explore Klaviyo and reach out to Groove Commerce to learn more about our services and expert assistance.

Text message marketing

Listrak vs. Klaviyo:
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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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